Bella photo graduation

Meet Bella!

She has recently completed her Doctor of Physiotherapy (Extended Masters) at Curtin University after completing her Bachelor of Science in Exercise, Sports and Rehabilitation.

Bella is originally from Wongan Hills, but now calls Bruce Rock home. She always wanted to be a Physiotherapist – see her Year 6 yearbook photo! Bella learnt quite young that she is a kinaesthetic learner (someone that prefers to learn through doing and movement), therefore, it made sense to her to enter a profession that uses that learning style to its advantage.

Bella photo Year-6

During her degree, Bella faced some challenges. Studying for a healthcare degree during the pandemic was particularly tricky. She had to complete practical examinations virtually with family members or dolls as models which wasn’t easy, but she ended up finding some very creative ways to get it done. Along with editing treatment videos of 40+ minutes in length to be examined – she now feels like she has a Physiotherapy degree minoring in media studies! At times, particularly when technology was not on her side, she just had a good cry, felt better and then charged on.

Bella’s study tips:

  • Stick to the syllabus/learning outcomes – therefore, you can structure your study time accordingly.
  • Create a contents page for your notes and bind them – so you know what is in them and where to find that information.
  • Practise, practise, practise – particularly if you are completing something where your physical skills are examined. Without being safe and competent in those skills you won’t pass!

If she could give her younger self a piece of advice, it would be: “Your ATAR didn’t matter – you got there in the end!”

Bella wished Lumen Study Hubs were around when she started her Bachelor’s degree. She relied heavily on her local CRCs and libraries during her first degree and only got to utilise Lumen Study Hubs for a small part of her Master’s.

What is Bella up to now? She works part-time for Eastern Wheatbelt Primary Health Service as a Physiotherapist, and part-time for herself in her private Physiotherapy practice/Pilates studio: Yield Movement & Physiotherapy in Bruce Rock. Private Physiotherapy appointments can be booked here and Pilates classes can be booked here.

Bella is the ultimate lifelong learner and already thinking about what to study next. Her long term study plan is to complete a Master of Clinical Physiotherapy (Continence & Pelvic Health) at Curtin University. She’s also been looking into the Allied Health Rural Generalist Program at James Cook University. In the meantime (next 6-12 months), she’s interested in a few Micro-credentials through the University of Western Australia in Breastfeeding, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Autism to increase her knowledge within the paediatric space.

Exciting plans for the future!

Thanks so much for sharing your education journey with us Bella!