Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Study Hubs

Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Centre

RDA Wheatbelt is very excited to announce that the Agreement with the Federal Government  for the Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Centre (Lumen WRUC) has been completed and the program will now commence.

RDA Wheatbelt was successful in securing funds through the 2022 Regional University Centres funding round.  After many months of research, engagement with stakeholders and the Regional Universities in Geraldton and Albany, a hub model has been designed utilising current infrastructure. 
Lumen WRUC study hubs are being planned for Merredin, Narrogin, Wongan Hills and York, it is anticipated that some of these facilities will become operational in Semester 2 of 2022.  
The Lumen WRUC will provide access to high speed internet, computers, printers, video conferencing and more importantly, a student support/services person who will assist students with navigating university life, all at no cost to the student.  Any student, regardless of what university they study with, will be able to access these facilities and support. 
This funding recognises the Wheatbelt as a modern, smart region where you can pursue a workforce ready career pathway. The Wheatbelt is home to some of the most innovative businesses, farming systems, industry, and service sectors in the State who are willing to partner with us. Our model for a regional university enables those people already in the workforce to access additional study options and for our school students both regional and returning from boarding school, an opportunity to connect with a future focused career path.
Regional communities will benefit by having a means to attract and retain residents within their towns.  We know that around 60% of people who study in the regions stay in the regions to work, this will be a great outcome for our hospitals and schools, as well as our key industry sectors of agriculture and mining. 
With the program Agreement now signed, the focus will be on confirming and establishing the study hub facilities and employing the staff to be able to commence operating as soon as possible. 
Students interested in accessing the program are able to submit an EOI through the following survey form
Employment opportunity. RDA Wheatbelt is now accepting applications for the full time Director role for the LWRUC. As the operational manager of the LWRUC, the primary responsibility of the LWRUC Director is to manage the day-to-day operations of the program overseeing the operations of the LWRUC and positioning the Centre strategically as a key tertiary education stakeholder in the region.  The Director also Identifies unmet, new and emerging tertiary demand and works with university partners to determine the need for and viability of local responses.  They assume responsibility for successful delivery of the LWRUC core services – student recruitment, attendance and study outcomes.; and maintains strong relationships with tertiary providers, Government, schools, community organisations and the region’s corporate sector. Applications close at 12 Noon on the 19th September 2022.  Please click here to download the job description form
Lumen WRUC Reference Group. Do you have the capacity and enthusiasm to support your regional community? A reference group to support the LWRUC program and RDA Wheatbelt is being established and we are seeking Members that are prepared to be active contributors to a diverse organisation of individuals working in a complex environment to deliver high value outcomes for the community and the region. Members are expected to leverage existing networks and develop new networks across industry sectors. They will support the Chair and Director to deliver the LWRUC program.  We are keen to hear from Wheatbelt residents knowledgeable about the economic, social, cultural and environmental opportunities and challenges facing this program; who are well connected and a strong advocate for their community; and draw their community together to deliver successful outcomes. Members are required to actively support committee governance and management processes.